Friday, April 29, 2011

Dip, and all that that implies.

Alright, time to give my perspective on dip.
I'd just like to say that I'm a Skoal man, straight if I can get it in pouches.
Here and there I like to try other kinds and see if anything new floats my boat. As I do this it becomes increasingly apparent that Skoal is probably as good as it's going to get.
Tried Copenhagen, seemed waaaay too bold for my style. Don't get me wrong I love a good campfire, riding on anything with wheels and a motor, and the great outdoors, but it's a bit much.
Naturally, when I saw an 80 cent trial sized pack of TimberWolf.. I had to have it. 80 CENTS WAS TOO MUCH! Worst buy with dip I've ever had. It's powdery and dry, like Jack Links beef jerky chew.
Skoal it is for me, and a fair warning to all of you.

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